Taking the right steps towards industry leadership.
In the 1980s, Bunker Holding was instrumental in transforming the way the shipping industry buys bunkers. Since then, we have grown into one of the world’s leaders in our business. Today, we are the still owned by our founding family and our values and the pioneering spirit continue to be the foundation of Bunker Holding Group.
Bunker Holding will remain in private ownership.
"A strong performance requires a clear direction. With Bunker Holding in better shape than ever before, we have clearly made all the right strategic and commercial choices."
Keld R. Demant
Group CEO, Bunker Holding

"Bunker Holding may be the global leader in the industry. But for me, it is above all a family business. And it will remain so."
My daughters share the immense pride I take in Bunker Holding’s path to its present leadership position in the industry, and I am delighted that they are committed to guiding the company into the future. In addition to being co-owners Nina is CEO and Mia is CGO in the USTC Group that includes Bunker Holding. They are both very ambitious on how they run our companies and are the guardians of the values that have always guided us. We focus on business acumen and turning every challenge into opportunity. We are proud and privileged to be a family-owned company, as it allows us to be visionary and active owners.
Torben Østergaard-Nielsen
Founder and co-owner, Bunker Holding

Torben Østergaard-Nielsen, Nina Østergaard Borris, Mia Østergaard Rechnitzer, Klaus Nyborg, Peter Appel, Peter Frederiksen, Morten H. Buchgreitz, Anja Monrad and Kristin Færøvik